Diversity is Liberalspeak: Why We Must Build a Decolonised Left
by Akwugo Emejulu
Issue 15 Decolonise
So-called ‘leftist’ western politics have long had an uncomfortable closeness to racist and colonial histories. How can we move away from speak of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ to proper anti-racist struggle. Contemporary xenophobia, intolerance and racism are often represented as ‘new’ phenomena, but they have historical roots in the European colonial missions. On decolonising anarchism, white privilege and preventing prevent.
Printed: March 2016
Diversity is Liberalspeak
— Akwugo Emejulu
Amplify the Margins
— Cassie Quarless Usayd Younis
An Anarchist Guide to... Decolonisation
— Maia Ramnath
Anarchist, Feminist, Muslim
— Soofiya Andry
Anti-Fascism by Necessity
— Jaan Quadrant
Decolonise Your Mind
Imperial Legacies
— Ria Hartley
Inventing Ourselves
— Sara Ahmed
London Latinxs
— London Latinx
Marrow Melody
— Eva-Grace Bor
Nothing is Normal in Preševo
— NeverComeDown Comix
Prevent Prevent
Reclaiming and Building Identity
— Sabah Choudrey
Terrorism 100 Years Hence
— Danny Dorling
Tips and Tales for Comrades and Allies
— Tisha Brown
— Rudy Loewe
When Violence Becomes Visceral
— Black Dissidents
(White Lives Matter More)
— xcenya kat
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