Radical Listening: A Manifesto
by Sarah HempstockSoofiya Andry
Issue 19 Radical Pedagogy
Pedagogy is about the different ways of learning. This isn’t just about the traditional four walls of a classroom, but about learning from exposure, from walking down the street, from listening to each other and ourselves. The question of pedagogy is political. We want to connect our needs and desires to reality. We want to raze reality to the ground by the forces of our collective desires. But this isn't just simple sixties Situationist stonerism—the old ‘kill the policeman in your head, man’—we need to learn how we go about doing it, together. How do you create the conditions by which desires for new worlds and new futures become realities?
Printed: October 2017
Radical Listening
— Sarah Hempstock Soofiya Andry
A Green-Eyed Monster
— Savva Smirnov
Austerity and Education
— Julie Tomlin
Burning Down VS. Building Up
— Janey
Compulsory Politics
— Jack
Education Is Racist
— Amit Singh
Garden_lab, A Blueprint
— Assembly SE8
Housing After Grenfell
— Deptford Debates Deptford People's Project
I Was a Twenty-Something Anarchist Nanny
— Ina Fever
Know Yourself, Know the City
— Luke Gregory-Jones
LLC Introduction
— London Learning Coop
My Education Inside Amerikan Prisons
— Comrade Malik
Prison Education and It's Potential
— Haven Distribution
Sex-ed With Misha Mayfair
— Misha Mayfair
The Assignment
— Fred Moten
The Wealth Test
— London Learning Coop
Thriving Not Surviving
— Dhelia Snoussi Georgia Moona-Sam Sky Caesar
We Are Us and You Are You!
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White Mirrors
— Amiya Nagpal
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